Yesterday, Fiverr introduced a new logo for its users and community of international freelancers. The logo background is same light green with white colored new logo. It is designed with head to tail concept, in which small f and r, both are joined. A lot of freelancers, social media lovers, especially Facebook followers of Fiverr reacted. The reaction about new Fiverr logo was really awesome, funny and near to reality. Most of the comments are full of fun, rather a few are advisable along with reacted emojis. Here, some funny facts and comments from Fiverr Facebook page are given, after that you can realize the worth, beauty and relativity of new logo introduced by Fiverr yesterday. Before going towards this, must check the percentage of reactions.
How much New Fiverr Logo is Successful?
According to Facebook comments, about 90% freelancers rejected the new logo. Almost 10% commented with “new, innovative, awesome and nice words”. Whatever, useful, lovely and funny, all types of reactions can be seen. Some funny and lovely reactions are given below.
Funny Facts & Comments
“Hm aesa logo bana dete to dispute open ho jana tha”
A funny, realistic and most amazing comment by Navid Rajput.

“Fiverr hired a logo designer for Five dollars”
Wasim Aziz taunted in very sophisticated and funny style. Analyzed and criticized Fiverr upon its new logo designed. Same as, Victor Antohe, who commented, “It was made on Fiverr.”

“A Facebook copied logo“
Most of the Pakistani and international freelancers criticized the logo by saying that this is copied from Facebook. Small ‘f’ from Facebook logo and just small ‘I’ or small ‘r’ is added. Azka Noor says, “it’s looking more “fh” than “fi” .. What was the reason to make it look like Facebook?

“Abe mujhse banwa leta$5 me is se acha bna deta”
The last one funny and amazing comment is posted by Muhammad Fahad and Talha Khan, in which they analyzed and criticized new Fiverr Logo in a very humorous style. Muhammad Fahad says, “Abe mujhse banwa leta$5 me is se acha bna deta.” Talha Khan replied him with, “30 revisions k sath”

Some Freelancers Liked Fiverr Logo
Most of the freelancer from different countries criticized new logo, but a few appreciated, liked and reacted with love. Some liked colors, some appreciated font style and a few were amazed on style. Overall, about 90% freelancers rejected the new Fiverr logo. Fiverr Team would be analyzing all of these, it is hoped. The Company should give attention and value to opinions of modern world freelancers.