As the news circulated about the WhatsApp Privacy Policy in January 2021, worldwide WhatsApp users felt a little anxious. It was due to some rumors as well as realities, that personal messages, call records, location sharing and group chatting may not be private. Some were saying that WhatsApp & Facebook could read personal messages and hear private calls as well. In this scenario, some new freeware, cross-platform, instant messaging & calling software were shared by global users. Telegram, WeChat, and BiP were the most shared among them. Here, we shall talk about BiP, a lovely Turkish software & app.
BiP is a fast and secure messaging app with high-quality voice and video calls, available for Android, iOS, and PC. BiP also provides secure & seamless video conferencing with BiP Meet. Some of the best BiP features are given below:
Disappearing Messages
Users can have their messages deleted within a given pre-set period of time after receiving. In this given time, users can see, read, listen and watch messages.
Instant Translation
One of the best features given in BiP is its instant translation as well as messaging in more than 100 languages. BiP translates incoming and outgoing messages into the required languages which you select. It is a wonderful and helping feature that is even not available in WhatsApp and some other popular apps.
Emergency Button
In case of emergency, BiP provides a button through which users can send their current status & location from anywhere. In such cases, your loved ones can communicate by this BiP Emergency Button without interruption.
Sharing HD Photos & Long Videos
With BiP, users can send their photos & HD videos without any loss of resolution. In other apps, sometimes photo or video quality effects, that is why users prefer to share such files via email usually to keep the quality high. Now, BiP is fit for them too.
Appearance & Night Mode
BiP has a lot of different themes for its users which can be set according to situation and taste including;
- Native setting
- Day mode
- Night mode
- Lavender
- Orange
- Dark orange
Night mode is specially made to keep your eyes cool after long usage, which also saves mobile battery.
BiP Social
BiP users can easily open their channels to socialize. Making their voice public and popular is easy through this phenomenon. A lot of group options are also given, anyone can join and chat in these groups.
Audio/Video Calls
Users can make voice and video calls via the Internet in Bip without any interruption. BiP offers you to continue these calls even if your phone is discharged. Audio and video call quality is good enough.
HD Group Video Calls
BiP provides high-quality group video calls with up to 10 people worldwide. For a trial period, BiP is offering 50 free meetings per month. Users can enjoy secure and seamless BiP video conferencing along with a private room.
Discover & Earn Gifts
With more than 250 different amazing services & channels, users across the world can easily make their daily interesting stuff done. This feature is full of fun, even users can earn gifts.
BiP Money Transfer
This feature is available only in Turkey now. Users can transfer money safely & swiftly. Messages and OTP options are provided.
Press and Talk
One of the best and user-friendly features is press and talk. No need to hold the button during voice note recording, just touch, record, and send your recorded messages. It looks more pretty when users record long voice messages or notes.
BiP Web
Same as WhatsApp, BiP also provides Web features to its global users. You can use Bip from your personal computer or laptop via scanning QR code, just visit web.bip.com on your computer and enjoy using Bip Web.
BiP Games
BiP engages its users according to their taste and wish. The gaming option is also there, where standard charges may apply. At BiP Games, the most popular, overall ranked, editor’s choice, daily discovery, and guess you like gaming options are given.
Contact List & Invite Friends
From the BiP contact list, you can find all of your contacts using or not using BiP. A clear and separate list is provided. You can also invite your friends and family to BiP via the invitation link on SMS, Mail, or other apps.
Dial Pad
Dial pad provides the records of incoming, outgoing, and missed calls with date and time. It is good for record-keeping in call history.
Starred Messages
A separate folder is given for selected and starred messages for reading, listening, and watching when you need these messages.
Chat Settings
In BiP, users can customize the following settings:
After enabling the backup, users can retrieve their old BiP messages after switching to a new mobile or device.
Show service messages separately:
BiP users can view their conversation via a separate tab with its discover services.
Chat wallpaper:
Chat wallpapers can be customized after clicking the chat wallpaper tab. Here, you can
choose an image from your gallery too.
Automatic download:
Users can enable this feature by clicking to download incoming media automatically.
Save to gallery:
Here, the downloaded media is shown by BiP in users’ phone gallery. No private or separate BiP folder is created in users’ mobile, which is a flaw in it.
Last seen:
Last seen status can be modified from here to keep your timing private.
Read receipts:
Read receipts can also be customized by turning on or off in BiP.
Default received translation:
From this option, default received translation can be set.
Stickers and memes preview:
Users can disable previewing stickers and memes from here.
Users can manage call notification settings with call sound, mute, call vibration and GSM missed call notification. Following things can be customized from notification section:
- Call notifications
- Message notifications
- Group notifications
- Discover notifications
- Channel notifications
- More (Call, chat and some other notification settings)
Blocked Contacts:
Users can manage blocked contacts from this tab where a list of restricted contacts is given separately.
My Account:
This portion is specific for basic settings including your phone number at which the BiP account was created, clear history option, Email history, logout and delete my account options.
Everyone can use Bip for SMS messages on their mobile. Users can also set BiP as a default SMS app. Users can also manage notification settings from here as well.
BiP and User Privacy:
The most important and trending issue nowadays is privacy. There are two things, first is privacy settings to secure your account, the other one is BiP’s privacy policy. At first, users can set and manage their passwords manually or through touch IDs.
When we talk about privacy policy, BiP is committed to protect as well as respect its users’ personal data. The company assures the the users’ privacy according to “Data Protection Legislation” in the following fields:
- Identity and Contact Details
- Usage Information
- Personalization Information and Polls
- Location Data
- Device Data
- Backup Data
- Address Book Data
BiP Support:
BiP provides its national and international users a complete guide in the form of frequently asked questions, as well as terms of use along with secure privacy policy. Anyone can contact from anywhere to get help from the BiP support team. Suggestions and complaints are also accepted via app.
App Rate & Installation:
Anyone can download BiP on Apple Store as well as can get it on Google Play easily. It is uploaded by BiP A.S. Old users can refer to their family and friends through the app link. Official website is bip.com.
BiP has more than 50M downloads, with 1M+ reviews of 4.5 Stars. App file size is about 36 MB.
Conclusively, BiP is an awesome app with competitive and advanced features. It is one of the best WhatsApp alternatives nowadays.